Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Thinking Day

22nd Feb every year, all the Girl Guides, Girl Scouts, Brownies and also the Boy Scouts celebrate a special day called THINKING DAY.

In 1908 Lord Robert Baden-Powell lit a torch that was destined to carry a message of peace and friendship to millions of boys and girls around the world. The flame began with the first group of Boy Scouts at a rally held in London, England. What the boys could do, girls could do, too, so they formed their own adventurous group -- the Girl Guides. Thus was lighted the fire of friendship, service, learning and fun for children in many lands. Shoulder to shoulder, the youth of the world have since marched on the trail that their beloved founder laid so long ago. Today we celebrate World Thinking Day, the joint birthday of the founder, Lord Baden-Powell, and our former World Chief Guide, Lady Baden-Powell. February 22 will always be a day to think about the international bond established for us all by these two inspired individuals. On this special day we remember:
#1 GS: that in the sisterhood of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, we have friends in 140 countries of the world.
#2 GS: that we and our sister Girl Scouts and Girl Guides can be a strong force for the peace of the world.
#3 GS: that we are great in number so we must be great in our loyalty to our Guide.
#4 GS: that we owe a debt of love and gratitude to the Founder and World Chief Guide.
#5 GS: that our greatest debt is to our God who inspired our leaders with such a great vision to unite mankind.

And so it is with these thoughts in mind and the sense of undying friendship among ourselves that we unite with those around us to think of those member countries of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts which are so far from us yet so close in our hearts.

The arrows represent thoughts and actions that should be directed towards members of the World Association on February 22 of each year. The center is the World Trefoil, symbol of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

There is a saying in WGGGSA, once a guide/scout, always a guide/scout. Boys & Girls, no matter which year, which coy u belong to, we must always remember our THREE PROMISE and keep the guiding/scouting light shining.


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